How to Play Mark Six

How to Play Mark Six

To enter a Mark Six draw, players have to choose six numbers from a pool of 1 to 49. Draws take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the occasional Saturday draw pushed to the following Sunday if there is a horse race meeting scheduled for the Saturday.

Ticket sales close at 9:15pm on the day of the draw. A standard entry costs HK$10, although a partial entry of HK$5 is accepted on some betting methods. Each player must be over 18 years old to enter.

Players can choose to play online or buy their tickets from an official HKJC betting branch. There are also different ways to enter a Mark Six draw through multiple entries, banker entries and playing multiple draws in advance.

Types of entry

Self-Select Single

This is the simplest form of entry, where you choose the six numbers that you want to enter. Many people tend to use significant dates from their life for their lottery numbers, such as family members’ birthdays, their age or the year, month or day that they were born.

Self-Select Multiple

A multiple entry allows you to choose more than the standard six numbers needed for one line and enter them all into the draw. For example, if you chose to enter all the numbers from 1 to 7 you would have seven different lines as follows:

Playing multiple entries can be costly as you must pay for each line. If you want to create your own multiple entry, take a look at our Generator which can tell you how many lines you would need to buy depending on the amount of numbers you want to enter.

Self-Select Banker

A banker is similar to a multiple entry, but with this method you choose a certain number or set of numbers that appear in every line. For example, if you chose to have the numbers 1 and 2 as your bankers, then 3 to 7 as the rest of your numbers, your entries would look like so:


Perhaps the easiest form of entry, quick-pick is when your numbers are automatically generated for you, taking the difficult decision of choosing the numbers out your hands. You can also use the quick-pick method to have your multiple or banker entries created for you by choosing the amount of numbers you want to enter or the number of bankers you wish to add. Take a look at our Mark Six Generator if you want to create your own quick-pick selection.

Consecutive draws

You can enter each set of numbers or entry for up to 30 draws in a row. If you play at a branch, you will see an option to select 5, 10, 20 or 30 draws on your playslip, whilst playing online lets you choose any amount of draws between 5 and 30.

Partial Investments

When you create a multiple or banker entry you have the option of entering via a partial unit investment. This halves the cost of each entry to HK$5, but subsequent prizes are then also half the advertised amount. For example, if you played a banker entry with a partial unit investment of HK$5 that matched three main balls, instead of winning the HK$40 advertised 7th prize amount you would win HK$20. Check out the prizes page for more information on winning with a partial investment.

Playing Online

Playing online makes it easy to store your entries in a safe place without any risk of losing them. Your numbers will also be checked automatically against the official results and prizes will be paid either directly into your players account or wired into your bank account.

To play online you must already have a betting account with the HKJC. To do so you will need to visit an off-course betting branch with an HKID or other form of ID, along with an ATM card for a savings/current account in Hong Kong and a HK$100 deposit. Once your account is all set up it’s as easy as following the steps below:

Playing from a retailer

The HKJC has a number of off-course betting branches all over Hong Kong for you to enter a Mark Six draw and collect a physical ticket using a play slip. Follow our instructions below to play at a retailer

  1. Find your nearest Mark Six Retailer using our branch locator
  2. Decide what type of entry you would like to play and select the relevant play slip. There are separate slips for single entries and multiple/banker entries
  3. If you have chosen to play a multiple or banker entry, select the relevant game at the top of the play slip. You can also choose to enter via a partial unit investment with these methods if you wish
  4. Select your numbers
  5. Choose the number of draws you wish to enter, up to a maximum of 30
  6. Pay for your entries
  7. Take the ticket home and store it in a safe place
  8. Check the results page after the draw to see if you have won a prize. You can also use the Mark Six number checker to see if any of your numbers have matched

Play by telephone

If you already have a registered account with HKJC then you can enter via telephone. This method also allows you to set up a standing instruction which will enter your numbers into every draw and automatically debit the entry fee from your betting account. All you have to do is make sure your betting account has sufficient funds for the entry the night before the draw takes place.

Entering a Snowball Draw

Entries for a Snowball draw can usually be purchased a week before the draw takes place. To do so you just have to indicate on your play slip that you want your entry to be in advance for the next snowball draw and not for the next normal Mark Six draw. At a retailer this can be done by filling in the “SB” option at the top which indicates that this is an advanced purchase.

When entering a Snowball draw a three letter code will be printed on your ticket, indicating which snowball draw the ticket is valid for. For more information on these codes and snowball draws, visit the dedicated Snowball page.

Abbreviations and Terminology

Your Mark Six tickets may have a number of abbreviations and terminology that you do not understand or which look complicated. Below is a table explaining these abbreviations:

Abbreviation/Symbol Explanation Example
MK6 Mark Six -
PUI Partial Unit Investment -
05DRAW Five-draw entry -
10DRAW Ten-draw entry -
20DRAW 20-draw entry -
30DRAW 30-draw entry -
+ Separates the selected numbers in an entry 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
/ Separates each entry onto a different line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
/ 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12
> Separates banker number(s) from the numbers selected as legs 1 + 2 > 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7
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